Wednesday, August 23

Major Computer Attack Coming?

Security Flaw in Microsoft Windows Leaves Millions Vulnerable

The Department of Homeland Security released a statement Wednesday advising Windows PC owners across the nation to update their computers or face a potential attack from hackers.

"The Department of Homeland Security is recommending that Windows Operating Systems users apply Microsoft security patch MS06-040 as quickly as possible," the statement read. "This security patch is designed to protect against a vulnerability that, if exploited, could enable an attacker to remotely take control of an affected system."

Mike Murray, director of vulnerability research at the security firm nCircle, said the fact that DHS made this urgent plea is evidence that the threat is real.

"They realize that of all the vulnerabilities that have come out in the last year or two, this is definitely the most severe and the most likely to be attacked," he said.

Who's at Risk and What Can You Do?

Read full Article on ABC News

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